Throughout this article I will refer to various individuals as “slow oxidizers”, or “fast oxidizers”, etc… This is just a way of classifying the rate at which the body is releasing energy from the foods a person eats. Some people refer to this as a person’s metabolism. We have four main classifications: slow oxidizer, fast oxidizer, mixed oxidizer and balanced oxidizer. The word oxidizer comes from the term oxidation. Oxidation in turn, comes from the word oxygen. Oxidation is the process by which certain elements in the body chemically combine with oxygen to release energy. Oxidation is the basic chemical process of burning. For example, when you burn a piece of wood, you are oxidizing the wood. You are causing the wood to combine rapidly with oxygen to cause a high-intensity energy release. Oxidation can occur at different speeds. It is not necessarily a fast process. It can occur quickly, as with burning wood, or it can occur slowly, as in the case of a rusting nail. When a nail is rusting, it is reacting with oxygen in the air and being consumed. The rust you see is merely the evidence of incomplete combustion. All oxidation releases energy, whether you feel it or not. The reason you do not feel the heat from a rusty nail is because the oxidation process is occurring too slowly. Heat is being released, but is dissipating as quickly as it is being released. The human oxidation rate, is the rate at which your cells are “burning” their fuel. When we say that there are various types of oxidizers, we don’t really mean that there are different kinds of oxidation. All we mean is that people release energy from their foods at different rates. The Slow Oxidizer - releases energy too slowly. He or she is like a wood stove whose fire is too small to heat the room. To help him, you must speed up the human metabolic furnace or in other terms increase the person’s oxidation rate. The Fast Oxidizer – releases energy too quickly. He or she is like a wood stove with a fire burning too fast, overheating the room (the body), and running out of fuel. The oxidation rate for this person must be decreased.
The Mixed Oxidizer – has an erratic metabolism which is sometimes too fast. Other times it is too slow. To give a mixed oxidizer more energy, you must stabilize his or her’s oxidation rate. The Balanced Oxidizer – has the most efficient metabolism. It is neither too slow nor too fast. The person’s system produces the maximum amount of usable human energy. To bring a person into a state of balanced oxidation is the real goal of mineral rebalancing programs. Some rates of energy release for people are more efficient than others. That’s why some people are energetic and others are tired. It all has to do with oxidation rates. This is what the science of human energy is all about. The more efficient a person’s oxidation rate becomes, the more energetic the person.
In a fast oxidizer, calcium and magnesium are low and sodium and potassium are high. A fast oxidizer has over active thyroid and adrenal glands. The fast oxidizer does not give in to fatigue. He attacks it. He goes into over burn so that he can maintain the same pace. The fast oxidizer needs stress to keep he or she going. If this person did not stay hyped up he or she would collapse. That’s why the fast oxidizer goes to pieces when things become too peaceful. When things are too quiet, the person’s organs don’t get the stimulation they need to carry on. A slow oxidizer has calcium and magnesium levels higher than normal and sodium and potassium levels lower than normal. A slow oxidizer has underactive thyroid and adrenal glands. The super slow oxidizer feels weak and tired. He or she is lethargic, doesn’t like to start new things and is too tired to even care about things happening around him or her. A mixed oxidizer is a person who has one of their two energy producing glands, (thyroid and adrenals) underactive while the other is overactive. In a mixed oxidizer, one of the two energy producing glands (thyroid and adrenals) are overactive while the other is underactive. These two glands are out of sync. Mixed oxidizers are on a energy roller coaster, having periods of energy spurts followed by extreme slow downs. A mixed oxidizer will have a tendency toward either fast or slow oxidation. The further this trend is toward fast, the more pronounced will be the roller coaster effect. A mixed oxidizer who leans toward slow oxidation will probably not notice much energy fluctuation at all. The balanced oxidizer is so healthy it is rarely ever seen. The levels of his or hers major minerals are almost perfect along with the other minerals in a hair chart. The balanced oxidizer, the most powerful of all oxidation types, has an oxidation rate that is just right – not to fast and not to slow. Balanced oxidizers are potentially the most productive people of all. Their bodies provide them with a steady, controlled and constant release of useable energy. They are happy, content, open and uncomplicated. They possess an inner calm and steadiness. Note: It is important to stress that many conditions can occur in slow oxidizers as well as fast oxidizers but only they are caused by different biochemical reasons. Article By - Dr. Paul Eck (Founder of Analytical Research Labs)
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