TMG is a vitamin-like substance. It functions as an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, energy booster, methyl donor, and more. TMG is also called betaine because it was first isolated from sugar beets. It is not the same as betaine hydrochloride. We add it to all nutritional balancing programs. The dosage is up to 1000 mg daily for women and up to 3000 mg daily for men. Children need less, depending on their size.
1. Plenty of TMG is made in a normal healthy body which is becoming rare.
2. Some can also be obtained from diet.
3. One can take it as a food supplement that is available in many health food stores.
Dietary sources of TMG. The main foods high in TMG are broccoli, beets and many other vegetables. Cooking does not destroy the TMG in vegetables.
The problem is that most people do not eat nearly enough of these foods to get a sufficient amount of TMG from their diet. Also, even if one eats plenty of these vegetables, it is not nearly enough so we suggest supplementing it, as well.
1. High demand. Stress, infections, inflammation and other disease conditions may use up what the body makes, so more is needed. Toxic metals and toxic chemicals require more TMG in our bodies for their detoxification and removal.
2. Food today does not contain enough TMG.
3. Not enough is made by the body. Many people do not make enough TMG today. The reason appears to be the presence of certain toxic metals, as explained below.
Mercury Toxicity Mercury is a poison metal that either interferes with TMG production in the body, or increases the body’s need for this amazing chemical.
The problem of mercury toxicity is so widespread and its very common that everyone has some degree of mercury toxicity today because mercury is so widely distributed in the environment.
Some people are more toxic than others with mercury, but we are all subject to it. If you eat any fish or seafood, toxicity will be much worse. If you have silver/mercury dental amalgams, you will also likely have more of it. Mercury can contribute to hundreds of health conditions
Copper Toxicity Copper toxicity also interferes with the production of TMG and/or increases our need for this chemical. Most people today are toxic with certain forms of copper, regardless of what blood, urine or other tests reveal. In fact, these tests are unreliable to assess the copper balance, and most people’s bodies contain some toxic forms of copper such as amigo copper.
One cause of the copper toxicity is widespread zinc deficiencies in the soil and in our food. This tends to cause more accumulation of copper in the body. Women tend to be more copper toxic than men, although it affects both men and women.
Copper imbalance is responsible for most headaches, female organ problems, mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and panic attacks, skin conditions and more.
Cadmium Toxicity This deadly metal also increases the need for TMG, either by interfering with its production, or enhancing the demand for it in order to detoxify and remove cadmium from the body through the liver.
Cadmium toxicity is very common in our population. In part, this is due to widespread zinc deficiency in the soil, the food and in vegetarian-leaning and refined food diets. The body takes up cadmium if there is insufficient zinc available in the diet.
Cadmium is everywhere because it is still used to make the brake linings used in automobiles. The cadmium slowly wears off the brakes and blows around in the air. It finds its way into the water supplies and onto the land where the food is grown. This problem is easy to overcome, but no one seems to care.
TMG consists of three methyl groups (CH3) joined to one molecule of the amino acid glycine. This is a very important type of structure because, when eaten in food or taken orally as a supplement, TMG easily lets go of two or even three of its methyl groups. Letting go of one methyl group leaves a substance called dimethylglycine or DMG. Letting go of three methyl groups frees up a molecule of the amino acid glycine. These are discussed below.
Dimethylglycine When TMG gives up a methyl group, it leaves a compound called dimethylglycine. Dimethylglycine is considered a B-complex vitamin and has been shown to assist with speech and behavior in autistic children and adults, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), to improve neurological function, and to reduce seizure activity. It can help one handle stress, improves oxygen utilization, enhances liver activity and helps optimize athletic performance.
DMG also has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects. Dimethylglycine is used to improve the immune response, to shrink tumors, and to enhance anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-tumor defenses. It has also been shown to benefit chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, respiratory disorders, alcoholism, and drug addiction.
In addition, it appears to help reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, and to help normalize blood pressure and blood glucose. In short, it is quite amazing.
Note: Dimethylglycine is not used as a supplement in nutritional balancing, as it is very yin in Chinese medical terms, which is harmful for a nutritional balancing program. Also, it is not as good as TMG, which has all the benefits of DMG, and more.
Glycine Glycine is the smallest of the amino acids. This is important in subtle ways. It is very important in the formation of collagen, among other functions. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and used for connective tissue such as tendons, ligaments, cartilage, arteries, veins, and most other similar structures.
TMG is useful for the body as a methyl donor. In addition, it has other uses when broken down into DMG and glycine, or transformed into SAMe or other compounds such as methionine.
A powerful and safe methyl donor. TMG easily donates three methyl groups to the body. Methyl groups (CH3) are required in millions of biochemical reactions in human and animal bodies. Here are just a few of the best studied examples:
Lowering Homocysteine Homocysteine is an amino acid that, in excess, is irritating to the arteries and is strongly associated with inflammation and hardening of the arteries. In fact, the level of homocysteine correlates much better with heart disease than the level of cholesterol.
Doctors are beginning to realize this important link. High homocysteine occurs when there is not enough TMG or folic acid to donate enough methyl groups. There can be other causes, but this is the major cause. As explained earlier, a deeper cause for this is the presence of mercury and copper toxicity, which are almost universal. However, the problem can be solved with a diet high in TMG and folate, or a TMG or folate supplement. One does not need both in most cases.
High homocysteine, however, causes many other problems. It causes a deficiency of methionine, and this, in turn, can cause a deficiency of SAMe, causing depression in some people. Methionine is also needed for other biochemical reactions involving protein synthesis, another critical body function. In fact, reducing excessive homocysteine helps with conditions ranging from osteoporosis and birth defects to cancer and aging. It also helps with antioxidant protection, as well.
Helping with Liver Detoxification Methyl groups are absolutely essential for the Phase 2, P450 liver detoxification pathway. Within this critical biochemical sequence of events, fat-soluble or otherwise poorly soluble toxins that are difficult for the liver to remove are joined to a methyl group, and this helps prepare them for removal from the body. This is an amazing and vital chemical detoxification ability. In MOST people, it does not work well due living in a very toxic world.
Specifically, the methylation reactions enables toxins to become much more soluble in water. This allows the body to remove the toxins much better, and it often neutralizes some of their toxic properties, as well. These toxins include all of the toxic metals in many forms and compounds, as well as hundreds of toxic chemicals. Much more could be written about this amazing system and how critical it is today for our health. This is one of the main benefits of TMG supplementation.
Alleviating Depression TMG increases the body’s natural production of SAMe or S-adenosyl methionine. This chemical can help reduce depression, in some cases. SAMe is an expensive supplement, and a more yin supplement, which is not good. It appears to be far better to just take TMG.
Reducing the Chances of Diabetes Methyl groups are involved in insulin release and insulin activity. When the body does not have enough active methyl groups, diabetes is much more likely to arise.
Avoiding Genetic Problems Methyl groups are needed for protein synthesis, also called biosynthesis. This is the copying of our genetic code from the DNA to RNA, and then from there the synthesis or formation of every chemical in our bodies. The copying of the DNA is also called genetic transcription.
Without enough TMG, biosynthesis can slow down, telomeres can shorten, and genetic errors, also called transcription errors, multiply, and health is definitely worse.
TMG has an overall parasympathetic effect. TMG seems to help restore balance to the autonomic nervous system, especially in those who are following a complete nutritional balancing program. This may be one of its most important benefits.
Hair mineral analyses reveal that about half the population has an autonomic nervous system imbalance that we call sympathetic dominance. It means the sympathetic or fight-or-flight nervous system is “on” too much of the time. This is very damaging for anyone’s health. A supplement of TMG can help reverse this imbalance, and thus contribute greatly to healing.
TMG is good for those with an MTHFR defect. Over 50% of the world’s population today has a mild to severe copying error in their cells that reduces the biosynthesis of folate in their bodies. This is mistakenly called a “genetic defect”, when it is no such thing. It is a transcription error or polymorphism or abnormal gene expression. This is an error in copying the DNA code, and not a problem with the DNA code itself.
Women should take only 1000 mg daily. Men can take up to 3000 mg daily. If the sodium/potassium ratio is less than about 0.4 mg%, a little more TMG is often helpful.
In many instances, taking extra TMG can reduce healing reactions and retracing symptoms. If you are having a healing reaction or purification reaction, you can try taking more TMG, as it can help in some cases but do not take the higher dosages long term.
Some people do not tolerate TMG well and may need a smaller daily dosage as it detoxifies them too quickly which can cause some anxiety. Always take less when starting out and build up the amount.
For a Free Phone Consultation call 800-381-2898 or All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. Article by - Dr. Wilson, MD (graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT)