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The Benefits Of Kelp

Kelp is a family of about 30 species of highly nutritious large brown algae sea vegetables. A substitute for kelp that can be used, as well, and is often sold as kelp, is Ascophyllum nodosum. It is sometimes called Norwegian kelp, knotted kelp or knotted wrack. The right brand of kelp is a life-saving food supplement today that we recommend for everyone. It is extremely nutritious, safe to eat, inexpensive, and widely available.

Grave’s Disease One must not take kelp if one has Grave’s disease or hyperthyroidism, as it can aggravate this condition.

Healing Reactions Some people react to kelp, especially at first because kelp removes iodine antagonists from the body such as bromine, perchlorate, fluoride as well as mercury.

When taking kelp begin taking kelp by taking only one capsule daily, and then taking more in two days, up to the recommended amount, which is about 6 capsules daily for adults. If you can only take one or two capsules daily at first, that is okay. After a few months, most people can increase the amount.

The reactions to taking kelp are usually healing reactions. They occur because kelp helps to push out mercury or one of the iodine antagonists – bromine, fluorine and chlorine. These reactions subside after a while as the body detoxifies if one follows a mineral balancing program.

The Brand’s We Recommend:

Endomet, Solaray, Country Life, Now, Ecological Formulas, Office Gudni Gudnason, Solgar, Frontier Herbs, Monterrey Bay Herb Company, Douglas Labs and kelp from We do not recommend other brands of kelp as they may be using different plants which can be somewhat toxic.



Everyone today is low in minerals, due to modern agricultural methods, depleted soils, food processing, weak digestion, and perhaps other reasons. Kelp is well known as an excellent source of many trace minerals. There are few such sources anywhere on earth.

Besides the well-known trace elements such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, chromium and others, kelp supplies many of the ultra-trace minerals such as germanium, iridium, rubidium and others. Kelp also supplies, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur and other macrominerals the body needs.

Kelp versus other mineral supplements Kelp is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, with some zinc and selenium, but low in copper. This is quite a good blend of minerals and one of the main reasons we prefer kelp to other “mineral supplements”. Kelp is also a food, so the body is more able to selectively absorb what it needs from it. Kelp is also an all-natural product, which avoids some toxicity.

Readily Available Calcium This is a complex phenomenon because many foods contain calcium. However, we find that kelp, carrots, carrot juice, sardines and raw dairy contain the most usable forms of calcium. The calcium found in pasteurized and homogenized dairy, in seeds and nuts, and in a few other foods is not as well utilized by most people.

Bioavailable iodine This is kelp’s best known benefit in that it is rich in iodine, and everyone needs more iodine. The reason is the overwhelming amount of iodine antagonists present on planet earth today. These are bromine in breads and soda, chlorine in drinking water and fluorides in water supplies and foods.

The iodine antagonists interfere with our iodine uptake and utilization, causing widespread thyroid problems in most women, especially. It also causes many other health problems, as well.

Fish and seafood are other good sources of bioavailable iodine. However, they are too high in mercury to be eaten regularly today. Iodized salt provides some iodine, but is not enough, in almost all cases because the iodine in salt is not that well utilized.

Some doctors prefer not to use kelp because the amount of iodine in kelp can vary greatly. This is not a major concern because kelp is a natural food and from our research, the body seems able to regulate the amount of iodine absorption.

Why Kelp and Not Other Iodine Preparations?

Safety The right brand of kelp is less toxic. All the other iodine preparations seem to build up in the liver to some degree, indicating some toxicity.

All single-mineral products can interfere with the absorption of other minerals Minerals all compete for absorption to some degree. Taking a balanced food such as kelp, rather than a single mineral product, appears to be much safer for long-term use, which most people need.

Kelp is more Yang This is important, although it may sound a little esoteric. The bodies today are all yin, and taking yin supplements always weakens them further. Kelp is significantly more yang because it is a natural food, and it naturally contains a lot of salt, which is yang.

Kelp contains at least 20 trace minerals Plus other nutrients, so it serves several nutritional purposes at the same time.

Kelp is much Less Expensive Much less than some other iodine products, especially considering that it is a whole food and “green food” supplement as well as a source of iodine.

Protein One hundred grams of kelp also contains 1.7 grams of protein.

Some Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. Kelp is also particularly rich in folate and soluble fiber as well as many other phytonutrients.

Fatty Acids Kelp contains some fatty acids, including a little of the omega-3 fatty acids, and others.

Why Kelp and Not Other Green Superfoods?

Kelp is Much More Yang As mentioned above, this is very important. The other “green superfoods” are much more yin, which is harmful, even if they are very nutritious.

Kelp keeps its potency better and does not turn rancid nearly as easily. The high salt content of kelp acts as a natural preservative. Exposing dried vegetables, especially powders, to the air causes them to break down quickly and some will turn rancid. All green superfoods should always be in capsules and preferably kept in the freezer. However, very few of them are sold this way.

Kelp does not contain spirulina, chlorella or blue-green algae. These common algaes are somewhat toxic for human beings. They build up in the liver, indicating they are not too compatible with human physiology, no matter what nutritional benefits they may offer.

Kelp has much more iodine, and we find this is absolutely needed today.

Kelp is less Expensive

Why Kelp and Not other Sea Vegetables? Kelp is not the same as bladderwrack, Irish moss, dulse, nori, hiziki, wakame and many other sea vegetables, so do not confuse them.

The main difference, for therapeutic purposes, is that the brands of kelp we recommend have lower levels of toxic metals and a much higher alginate content. The alginates in kelp help bind the mercury and other toxic metals found in all products from the sea.

This is important because eating the other sea vegetables, as with eating much fish at all, will result in mercury and arsenic toxicity, unfortunately. We do not recommend the other sea vegetables, except for occasional use, and we do not recommend any fish or seafood except for 3-4 cans of sardines weekly for adults, due mainly to the mercury problem in all products from the sea.



A drawback of kelp and all sea products is the presence of toxic metals, mainly mercury and perhaps arsenic. However, we have not found that our clients’ hair mercury or arsenic levels rise due to taking kelp at up to 4000 mg daily.

In contrast, ingesting other sea vegetables such as dulse, wakame, nori and others does raise the hair mercury level. The reason for the difference is that kelp contains more alginates that bind to mercury and prevent its absorption.


Two situations seem to cause reactions to kelp.

Hyperthyroidism or Grave’s Disease Individuals with this condition often need to avoid kelp completely until the condition has resolved using a complete mineral balancing program. However, when hyperthyroidism is present, kelp is usually not well-tolerated.

A Detoxification Reaction Occasionally, a person has a purification reaction when starting to taking kelp. The usual symptoms include irritability, nausea and a few others. These reactions are temporary and they are healing reactions. Most are due to the removal of toxic elements such as mercury, chlorine, bromine and fluorine compounds from the body. Usually, one just needs to reduce the dose for a while, and then work up slowly.


Adults can usually take at least 1800 mg of kelp daily and up to about 4000 mg, preferably with meals. That is how deficient many people are in iodine and the other minerals found in kelp. 4000 mg is about 6 capsules daily.

Capsules, tablets, granules or powder Kelp capsules are better than tablets because capsules are larger, so fewer are required. Powdered or granulated kelp is okay, but it does not taste good so the capsules are better for this reason, as well.

For a Free Phone Consultation call 800-381-2898 or All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. Article by - Dr. Wilson, MD (graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT)


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