Oxygenating the body sufficiently is extremely helpful for everyone’s health.
When one speaks of oxygen, it can mean different things. Three common forms are oxygen gas, ozone gas and hydrogen peroxide liquid:
A. Oxygen gas is O2. It is the most common form of oxygen found on earth. It is a stable molecule composed to two oxygen atoms. A problem with using it for healing is that it is very yin, and this causes problems with its use.
B. Ozone gas is O3. It is a less stable form of oxygen. It is much more yang, and much better for general use than oxygen for this reason. It is produced naturally during electrical storms and gives the air a fresh, clean-smelling odor. It can also be produced by machines by several methods:
1. The machine moves air through a spark gap. This is called the corona discharge method. It works just like lightning does to produce ozone. This method is commonly used, and does not produce as pure a product.
2. The machine moves air over an ultra-violet bulb. This method is more cumbersome, so it is used less often.
3. More costly medical ozone machines start with pure oxygen in a tank and then move this over an ultra-violet bulb. This produces a more pure ozone, but I don’t believe it is needed, in most cases.
C. Hydrogen Peroxide liquid. The chemical formula is H202. A dilute form of it (3% solution) is sold in drug stores and used as an anti-septic to kill germs on the skin and elsewhere. A much more concentrated form (35% solution) is sold via the internet for use in cleaning and disinfecting homes, farms and elsewhere.
1. Pure oxygen is quite yin, in macrobiotic terminology. For this reason, we don’t recommend using pure oxygen. Ozone is less yin than pure oxygen.
2. Exposure to pure oxygen often causes a type of euphoria or “high”. This is easily mistaken for better health, and easily becomes addictive. However, it is not better health, but rather is a yin high, not unlike that which occurs due to some drugs and alcohol. Please beware.
3. Pure oxygen will sustain a flame. One must be careful with it around open flames, cigarettes, gas stoves, etc. This is another reason we don’t recommend it. Ozone is less flammable.
4. Other. Breathing pure oxygen can inhibit normal respiration. This is only a problem in hospitals, for example, where patients are put on pure oxygen, at times, when they are unable to breathe normally.
Breathing too much ozone may be a little irritating to the lungs. This is usually because it causes some retracing of chronic respiratory infections that most people have. This problem goes away after a while if one follows a mineral balancing program.
35% hydrogen peroxide is very corrosive and dangerous to handle. This is discussed later in this article.
Greenhouse gas concerns. All plant life on earth requires carbon dioxide to “breathe”. We must have plenty of carbon dioxide gas on earth to preserve all plant life on planet earth.
The recent concerns with carbon dioxide as a “dangerous greenhouse gas” is scientifically unsound in our opinion. There is no reason to reduce it as long as the earth can support plant life adequately, which it is doing just fine. Most plant life, by the way, is in the oceans, not the land. It consists of plankton, algae, seaweeds that grow up to 6 feet each day, and other marine plant life.
Ozone danger.
Another concern is the “danger of ozone”. Ozone in high concentration is somewhat irritating to the lungs. Often, however, we find that ozone simply causes retracing of lung problems that many people have. It is not a “poison” as the leaders of the state of California believe.
Ozone often increases in polluted areas such as Los Angeles and Phoenix. However, this is actually a compensatory method of nature to help clean up the filthy air in these cities. It is not just another pollutant.
Oxygen is absolutely essential for animal life. Animal bodies use oxygen in each body cell to produce ATP or adenosine triphosphate. This, in turn, is used for all bodily functions from digestion and elimination to thinking and movement. This is the essential role of oxygen in the body.
If one becomes low in oxygen, which is very common today, one becomes tired and cellular energy production decreases. This causes the body to become ill. The most important disease associated with oxgen starvation is cancer. Entire textbooks are written about the benefits of oxygen and oxygen therapies for many health conditions such as cancer, infections, strokes, cardiac rehabilitation, burns, and much more.
The main causes are:
1. Planet earth is a little low in oxygen. This will be debated by some, but many doctors believe that all human beings could use more oxygen than the planet provides. This has nothing to do with global warming or driving cars. It is simply the way the planet’s ecosystem works at this time.
2. The air in cities and other polluted environments often contains less oxygen. This is due to 1) oxygen-burning cars, factories and even human beings, and 2) fewer trees and other plant life if the area is mainly paved over and covered with buildings, as in most cities. They are just not as healthful places, as a general rule, due in part to lower oxygen levels.
3. Habits of shallow breathing and/or holding one’s breath. These are very common habits among millions of people around the world. Stress, fear, anxiety, and worry cause not only shallow breathing, but a habit of literally not breathing as much, or holding the breath.
In particular, young women often breathe very poorly. Reasons for this include:
A. The use of high-heeled shoes, tight belts and even some bras can interfere with deep breathing. Also, tight pants and other tight clothing may restrict breathing. Always wear loose clothing that allows you to breathe deeply and freely.
B. Some do not want their stomach to move in and out when they breathe, so they breathe only with the upper part of the lungs, which is not sufficient. Always breathe with the belly, as babies usually do.
C. Some women do not want to stick out their chest when they breathe, which also contributes to shallow breathing.
D. Fear, which can be present in men and women, restricts breathing.
4. A sedentary lifestyle. Those with the worst breathing habits are often those people who do not do any exercise. Exercise helps greatly to bring more oxygen to the body cells.
Exercise need not be exhausting. Only mild and gentle exercise are recommended with a nutritional balancing program. The reason is that vigorous exercise uses up too much energy that is better used for healing. Also, many people are so exhausted that vigorous exercise further tires them out and can be dangerous, in some cases. We only recommend walking and other gentle exercise.
5. Poor posture. The habit of stooping over and rounding the shoulders too much squeezes the chest and prevents the chest from filling with air when you breathe in. This is a prominent cause of poor breathing, or shallow breathing in some people.
Reasons for bad posture include:
- Physical weakness due to nutritional imbalances.
- Copper imbalance that can cause scoliosis and kyphosis.
- Not wanting to appear too tall.
- Bad sitting or driving habits.
- Trauma, especially sexual trauma.
- Accidents and injuries.
6. Working in lower oxygen environments. These may include closed office buildings with no windows that open, breathing recycled air in theatres, concert halls, or anywhere, or working around machinery that uses up oxygen such as furnaces, gas stoves and others.
Many people work in stuffy offices, for example, and do not understand why they feel so tired and even dizzy or ill at the end of the day. Buildings should have windows that open wide to allow plenty of fresh air into the building. However, this is not the way most buildings are built today in an effort to reduce heating and cooling costs, sadly.
7. Lung and bronchial problems. These are very common, and often reduce a person’s lung capacity. Chronic bronchitis, too much mucus due to food sensitivities, asthma, bronchiectasis, COPD, bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal infections in the lungs, and many other mild to severe conditions affect the lungs and bronchial tubes in millions of people. These are caused to some degree by pollution, but not all, by any means.
8. Anemia. Anemia means that the red blood cells that carry oxygen to the tissues are either deficient in number, or are damaged in some way. While many do not realize it, mild anemia is quite common, especially among young adult menstruating women, vegetarians, and those with chronic illnesses.
A major cause of anemia today is copper toxicity. Few doctors are aware of this cause, so they give millions of young women and vegetarians iron when the problem is a copper imbalance. Other causes are lead toxicity, vitamin deficiencies (B12, B6, etc.), and other nutritional imbalances.
Most people with anemia are not even aware of being anemic. However, their bodies do not transport enough oxygen to the cells, and this contributes to fatigue and much poorer overall health.
9. Other illnesses. Any illness that impairs circulation, hydration or respiration such as muscle weakness, arteriosclerosis, Reynaud’s syndrome, dehydration from any cause, sympathetic dominance, and others can reduce oxygenation of the body.
Other blood diseases besides anemia may also affect oxygen transport throughout the body. Adrenal exhaustion can cause poorer breathing habits. Older people often do not breathe well due to fatigue, poor posture, osteoporosis affecting the spine and posture, and perhaps other reasons.
10. Smoking. Smoking damages the lungs, often severely, and leads to much worse oxygenation.
11. Other causes. These may include impaired hydration, impaired circulation for any reason, and even just allowing the body to become too cold. This impairs circulation and breathing, and thus reduces oxygenation.
An important principle of oxygenation is that the oxygen must not only be taken in, but needs to be carried around the body adequately. This requires excellent blood circulation. To increase circulation, some exercise is helpful, rebounding is helpful, and deep breathing increases circulation a little. The use of any sauna on a daily basis, or at least a few times weekly, is also very helpful for circulation.
Excellent oxygenation of the tissues also requires adequate hydration of the body. Most people do not drink enough water. We recommend 3 quarts of only spring water or carbon-filtered tap water if spring water is unavailable or too costly. Go to www.findaspring.com and you may be able to find a local spring to obtain spring water free of charge.
Please avoid all reverse osmosis water, as it does not seem to hydrate the body as well. In the supermarket, this is often called drinking water or purified water. I would also avoid alkaline water and other designer waters. Please also avoid all alkaline water. It is much too yin and may have other toxic problems.
1. Breathe deeply each day. This is an important lifestyle factor in nutritional balancing science. It applies especially to young women, although many older people do not breathe well due to lung conditions, weakness, frailty and perhaps lack of exercise.
To breathe better, improve your posture, exercise daily, follow a nutritional balancing program, and do the following breathing exercise:
• Begin by moving your belly outward as you breathe. This will fill the abdomen with air. If you are not sure you are doing this correctly, lie down and place a book on your abdomen. When you breathe in, the book should rise up, and when you breathe out, the book should move downward.
• Next breathe into the sides of your lower chest, pushing the sides of your ribs outward. This will fill the mid-chest with air.
• Finally, lift up the upper chest and the pectoral area, which will fill the upper chest with air.
• When you exhale, you can start again in the abdomen, pushing it in. Then push in the sides of your ribs, and finally push down the pectoral or upper chest area. This is sometimes called the three-part breath.
If you practice this for 15 minutes a day, it will soon become a habit and your overall breathing will improve dramatically. There is no substitute for deep breathing, so please begin to do this exercise and learn to do it all or most of the time.
Breathe in through your nose, if at all possible. This will help humidify the air, prevent your mouth from drying out, and might improve your oxygen intake as well.
2. Live and work in an oxygen-rich environment. This means to always have a window open a little for fresh air, try to avoid stuffy offices and unhealthful air, and if possible live in the country or at least have lots of green plants around you, as these make oxygen continuously.
3. Use an ozonator/ionizer machine in your bedroom or home and, if possible, at work. These rather unique air purifiers produce safe amounts of ozone, and have other benefits as well. When using this machine in your bedroom, keep the ozone control down to halfway or less. The machine converts some oxygen in the ambient air to ozone or O3. Then, provided there is a little ventilation such as an air duct nearby, the room air absorbs a little more oxygen from the surrounding outside air.
So the machine essentially draws a little more oxygen into the house or bedroom. When you breathe in the mixture of room air and extra ozone, the ozone is quickly converted to oxygen in the lungs, increasing the oxygenation of the entire body.
Some people fear that ozone is irritating to the lungs. Rarely someone reports sensitivity to ozone, or does not like the odor, which smells like a forest. If the ozone bothers you, just turn down the amount of ozone the machine produces.
4. Drink oxygenated water. This is not hard to do. A machine called The Pitcher oxygenates water for drinking. It just bubbles air through water.
Using an ozone machine. You could also use an ozone machine to add ozone to drinking water. In theory, any ozone generator could be used. Just put the output tube into a pitcher of water and allow it to bubble through for 15 to 20 minutes before drinking the water.
An unusual benefit of drinking oxygenated or ozonated water is that it enhances the ability of drinking water to hydrate the body. This is an excellent benefit.
For example, some of our clients notice that they do not need to urinate as much when they drink oxygenated water, and some people do not need to get up as much at night or during the day to urinate. This can also help relive leg cramps for some people.
Oxygen therapies (the use of oxygen, ozone, hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet blood irradiation), have been researched for years. They are quite safe, simple, inexpensive and effective to help stop cancers and many other diseases.
Oxygen therapies are rarely offered by conventional doctors because they do not involve drugs, so they do not enrich the coffers of the drug companies. However, they are much better than drugs in most cases. As mentioned above, however, one can overdo on them, so use them wisely. I will divide the oxygen therapies into those one can do at home on one’s own, and those that require a doctor’s supervision.
Home-based oxygen therapies:
Ozone therapy. Ozone therapy is one of the best ways to increase oxygen in the body because ozone is fairly yang, and quite effective. Ways to use it are:
1. One can breathe some ozone by buying an ozonator/ionizer air purifier.
2. One can drink ozonated water by buying a simple ozone generator and putting the ozone output tube into a glass or pitcher of water for 20 minutes to add ozone to drinking water.
3. One can use ozone rectally. For this, one needs an ozone generator and a thin tube or canula that is introduced into the rectum. Do this for only 3 minutes or less, and only 2-3 times per week, and not more.
4. One can also add ozone to a bath, or sit in an ozonated steam cabinet or sauna enclosure.
5. Ozone can also be applied topically. One can buy ozonated olive oil. It is okay, but not as powerful as drinking ozonated water or using ozone rectally.
Many companies sell ozone generators of various descriptions. The least costly are often those made to ozonate a hot tub, and cost about $125.00 US dollars.
Hydrogen peroxide therapy
Peroxide baths. One can take a bath to which you have added 1 to 4 cups of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to the bath water. Bath water is yin, so do not do more than two baths per week. One can also absorb toxic chemicals during baths that are found in almost all water supplies today, even the cleanest water. Therefore, peroxide baths are not recommended as much as using an ozonator/ionizer machine. However, if one wishes to increase oxygenation quickly, one could do a series of peroxide baths. These are also excellent to get rid of STDs. For much more on this bath, please read Baths on this website.
1. Deep breathing. This is the oldest and one of the best ways to increase oxygen in the body. For details, read Breathing.
2. Aeration. One can obtain more oxygen by drinking water that has been aerated. This will add oxygen (not ozone) to your body.
The procedure is to buy a simple air pump from a pet supply store or website. They are used to aerate fish tanks. Place the air tube in the bottom of a pitcher of drinking water for at least 15 minutes and it will increase the air (which includes the oxygen) a lot in the water. It will work better if there is a bubbler on the end of the air tube. This is usually a small rock with lots of holes in it that distributes the air. These are also sold by pet stores.
Doctor’s office procedures using oxygen:
1. Intravenous hydrogen peroxide or intravenous ozone. When done correctly, these are very helpful for cancer, especially.
2. Hyperbaric oxygen. Hyperbaric oxygen means oxygen under pressure that is greater than usual atmospheric pressure. One sits in either a metallic or inflatable chamber during the therapy. The operator pumps oxygen into the chamber at several times atmospheric pressure, which forces more oxygen into the body through the lungs and skin.
One must climb into an oxygen chamber to experience this therapy. It is available at some hospitals and burn centers to promote wound healing, post-operatively, stroke rehabilitation, and for other reasons. It can help with these conditions. However, oxygen therapy is yin, so this is a disadvantage. In general, ozone therapy is better.
3. EWOT or exercise with oxygen therapy. This is a very simple therapy that a few holistic doctors offer. The patient sits on a stationary bicycle and pedals, or walks or runs on a treadmill while breathing pure oxygen through the nose. This can greatly increase oxygenation inexpensively and safely. Once again, however, pure oxygen is quite yin, which is a disadvantage, especially for long-term use.
4. Ultraviolet blood irradiation increases oxygen somewhat. This is an amazing therapy that a few holistic doctors offer for infections and cancer, in most cases. A small quantity of blood is extracted from a vein, and then irradiated with ultraviolet light. Then it is returned to the patient’s body.
This can help with some infections and other conditions, and is much safer than drug therapy.
Keep it cool. Exposure to heat or direct sunlight will build up pressure in the bottle and may cause the contents to explode.
Undiluted 35% peroxide will cause a temporary burn on the skin. Do not allow it to touch mucus membranes or your eyes. Preferably wear gloves when handling it.
If peroxide gets on your skin or in eyes, flush with large quantities of water immediately.
DO NOT use straight 35% peroxide solution in or on the body.
DO NOT INGEST. As mentioned above, some people recommend drinking a few drops in a glass of water. I do not think this is safe.
Be careful of your clothing, furniture and everything else, as 35% peroxide will bleach and put holes in everything.
Food Uses:
a) Add a capful of 35% H2O2 to a bowl of water and soak fruits or vegetables for 10 minutes in solution to kill mold and bacteria.
b) Upon opening a container of milk or cream, add ½ tsp and shake thoroughly. This can extend the expiration date of the milk up to 1 month.
2. Cleaning Uses:
a) Add 1 oz per load to the washing machine on a cold cycle only for bacteria-free laundry.
b) Spray on dishes, glasses and silverware for a cleaner appearance.
c) Spray a little in the refrigerator to safely clean up mold and odors.
d) Spray a little in the bathroom to clean up mold and odors in sinks, toilets, tubs, showers and elsewhere.
e) Spray a little on floors to kill odors, bacteria and mold.
3) Household Uses:
a) Spray 3% solution on indoor and outdoor plants to kill some bacteria and molds.
b) Use a 10% solution to kill weeds.
c) Use in pools, ponds and hot tubs to sanitize them without the use of chlorine, bromine or other harsh chemicals. Instructions are on the internet as to how much is needed.
d) 35% peroxide will clean up some food stains in pots and sinks very nicely.
e) Pour a little 35% peroxide down sinks to clear them of blockages caused by a buildup of hair, soap and other things.
4) Personal Use
a) As a deodorant, I am told that an excellent method is to put some 3% peroxide in a spray bottle and spray it under the arms, letting it dry on the skin. Spray again during the day, if needed. This may be just as good as much more fancy, expensive deodorants sold in stores.
b) For brushing teeth, dip your toothbrush in a little peroxide. Then brush normally. This will whiten the teeth a little, kill all germs in the mouth, teeth and gums and leave your mouth very fresh. Do not be alarmed if the peroxide foams up and is a little irritating to the gums. This is normal. Peroxide can irritate the gums in some people, so use care.
c) Soaking toothbrushes and other personal care products in peroxide will kill bacteria, viruses and other pathogens to avoid spreading illnesses.
d) Spray a little on cuts, bruises scrapes, burns and bites. This will prevent infection and clean the wound harmlessly. It will sting a little, but this is normal.
e) For pets: place one ounce of 3% solution in pet water dishes and baths to kill bacteria and keep water fresher.
5) When Traveling:
a) Mix several drops in all drinking water to kill bacteria.
b) It is a simple and safe remedy to bring when traveling for cuts, bruises, bites, scrapes, while camping or anywhere.
In the past, if one wished to breathe more oxygen, one had to buy bottles of purified oxygen. This is not only costly, but inconvenient, as the bottles are large and heavy. A more recent method of obtaining more oxygen, in addition to ozone generators and hydrogen peroxide, two substances that break down to release some oxygen, is the use of oxygen concentrators.
These are machines that plug into the wall and are able to extract some oxygen from the room air and pump it through a small tube, which can be placed in a person’s nose, for example. These are used in hospitals, nursing homes, and other locations where oxygen is needed and oxygen bottles are cumbersome to use.
Bio-oxidative medicine is a holistic area of medical care that is growing because it is simple, inexpensive in most cases, and quite effective. It will certainly grow in the future for cancer therapy, especially.
I hope everyone will focus on breathing more deeply, improving their lung function, circulation and hydration, avoiding smoking anything, and perhaps adding an ozonator/ionizer air purifier to the home to easily increase oxygen in the body. The use of ozone and other types of oxygen is also excellent for healing most conditions. The Body Balanced — Health Program For a Free Phone Consultation call 800-381-2898 or BodyBalancedHP@protonmail.com All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition. Article by - Dr. Wilson, MD (graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT) https://bit.ly/3xJlLIL